I think it is important to build relationships with my clients. Relationships lead to trust. Trust leads to relaxation. Relaxation promotes the body's natural healing process. Physical aches and pains can be compounded by the emotional and psychological stress of day to day life. I strive to create an environment where the mind, body and soul can be all be nourished together. This is reflected in my approach. I try to stay present with my clients, react to their breathing patterns, and use long, flowing strokes to treat the body as a whole rather than a collection of individual parts. I firmly believe that a relaxed body and a quieted mind set the optimal stage for natural healing. There is a reason I call it Me Time.
1 Washington St, Suite 3113, Dover, NH 03820
Hours: Tue, Wed, Thur PM. Sat AM. By appointment only
Roland Curit
603 686 9128